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Why Choose an Oral Surgeon?

There are nine dental specialties recognized by the American Dental Association which include pediatric dentistry, endodontics, and orthodontics as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS). Maxillofacial refers the region of the jaws and face. An oral surgeon is a dental specialist that specializes in treating injuries and defects in the hard and soft tissues in the mouth, head, and neck as well as the jaws and face. 

Training for an oral surgeon is at least an 8 year post graduate commitment including a four-year degree in dentistry followed by a minimum four-year residency program. Oral surgeon residents are trained with medical residents in many areas including advanced anesthesia, reconstructive and general surgery, bone and tissue grafting, and pathology. This residency is conducted in a hospital setting as well as outpatient facilities, dental practices and surgery centers. In this way invaluable experience is gained in treating oral and maxillofacial patients with a wide array of needs.

Dr. Marc Smith is a board certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon with thousands of procedures to his credit.